Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
At Christ Community Church, we believe that support for missions is a holistic endeavor. We encourage our members to seek relationships with the unchurched. Supporting our mission to both experience and extend the grace of Jesus Christ in Gainesville, we also plan several service days to local ministries throughout the year. If you would like to serve on one of our work day groups, please contact one of our deacons.
To be truly supportive, we must provide prayer and personal attention to the needs of those people/organizations to which our church is committed, in addition to financial aid. More than ten percent of our annual budget goes to other individuals and organizations in Gainesville and throughout the world laboring for Christ..
To be truly supportive, we must provide prayer and personal attention to the needs of those people/organizations to which our church is committed, in addition to financial aid. More than ten percent of our annual budget goes to other individuals and organizations in Gainesville and throughout the world laboring for Christ..